Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Read the Classics: Discussion Topic 2

Why Read the Classics is an essay that tells us why we need to read the classics. I think that the author, Calvino's tone is relatively neutral. He gets why people sometimes don't read the classics, but he is trying to educate us on why we need to read these books. Calvino also seems to be very fond of classics when he is speaking. He says that everyone can find a classic and that it will be 'their' novel. I don't know if I necessarily agree with this, even though I haven't read every single classic out there. I think I disagree with this because I am only reading the story, not exactly the underlying message which is what we are supposed to be doing when we read. I don't think that everyone 'has' a book that relates to them.

Calvino just seems to be very interested in educating us in this excerpt. He wants to tell us that reading the classics is something useful in everyday life. Calvino brings to the table a good point. He says that we need to just sit back sometimes and ignore the hustle and bustle that we live in today. I don't really know how a classic is going to help you do this, but I do think that he does make a good point in that most of us are too busy these days and that we can't really appreciate life when we go at the speed we are at now.

Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics? London: Vintage, 2000. Print.

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